What are Windows Signs?

Windows signs are graphics used on stores and businesses, and can be placed for promotional deals, a decorative touch or to provide valuable information to your customers. There are a number of things to consider when design a window sign and each can have various affects on your business.

Choosing The Best Window Sign For Your Business:

The first thing you should do prior to coming up with a catchy design for your window sign is to double check with the zoning regulations in your area. Even if some business have large window displays and signs you will want to ensure that your business falls in the same zone. It is better to be safe than spending all the money and not being able to use the sign for your storefront.

The next thing you will want to do, especially if you are a new business owner is to see how the businesses around you are using their window signs. This can give you a better idea of what direction you will want to go in with your window signs. Drive and walk past some of the local signs, which will give you a better idea of how well these signs read will in a moving vehicle or on foot.

Decide on the size you want. Depending on your location you will want to take into consideration how far away you want your window sign to be readable from.

You will also want to take into consideration how the sign will appear at night. If your business will be open past the sun setting then will your sign be noticeable in the evening light?

Keep your window sign simple. The more information you try to clutter your sign with the less effective it will be. A well designed and clean looking sign will grab more people attentions than a chaotic, confusing sign will.

Window Sign Options:

Opaque window signs can be used to display your business hours, name, logo, business tag line and more. They are best to use for smaller display signs since they do cover the are entirely without letting any light in. These window signs tend to be printed on vinyl adhesive which is great for indoor or outdoor use. They have a lifespan of at least five years with proper care.

Clear window signs allow you to cover a large area of the window and still allow a majority of the light through. You can easily customize your design and only the design part is visible the rest of the sign is clear.

One option you may want to consider depending on the type of business you are providing is a perforated window sign. These signs are customized decals that will allow you to see out but not allow passer by to look in through the windows.

Frosted window signs can give you the best of both world where you can keep your business private but still allow the sunlight to shine through.

Choosing the right window sign for your business can easily attract more customers. It can be an effective way to get your business noticed in a simply and subtle way.