If you have a company that goes out on service calls, like a roofing company for example, then you have a greater chance of capturing new business while you are out servicing your clients. All kinds of service-based businesses, like plumbers, contractors, HVAC installers and real estate agents, have a real advantage over brick-and-mortar storefront businesses when it comes to advertising. They can take their ads on the go.
Take a look at the pictures in this article.
This is an example of a fairly simple custom rear window graphic installation we did for a great local roofing company in the Tampa, Florida area. Even some fairly simple window graphics like these can be a great way to generate new clients. When you are out on a job installing a new roof, or whatever service you may be providing, most often neighbors and surrounding businesses will notice your branding and marketing.
For a business like a roofing company that often deals with residential clients in addition to commercial clients, it’s important to realize that there is a huge trust factor involved. A neighbor that sees another neighbor hiring a certain company has a tendency to trust that company more than a random company that came from an Internet search. People tend to buy off of word-of-mouth referrals a lot and just seeing one of their neighbors hiring a company might be enough for them to reach out for the same service.
If you have any questions about custom graphics for work trucks or work vans for your roofing company, or any other type of service-based business, just give us a call. We would be more than happy to sit down with you and talk about your marketing goals.
Written by: Signs Insight