Routed and Sandblasted Custom Signs

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Difference between Sandblasted Signs & Routed Signs:

Carved or routed signs are a perfect choice if you want to create an impression of a rustic and charming image of your brand. It also suits very well if your business is in a historic district where aesthetic signs are used as a law. A sandblasted or routed is the way to convey both charm and professionalism. At Signs Insight, we often hear the question, which one is the best. Because both sandblasted and routed signs provide a 3d look, so understanding the difference is critical here. Let’s get a brief inside for a better picture.

Flanders Field HDU Sign
Flanders Field HDU Sign

Sandblasted Signs

We can call sandblasting the “old” version of routed signs. Sandblasted signs are created over HDU (High Density Urethane), wood or other materials. The sign is covered with a custom-cut  rubber sandblast stencil, called mask. You then apply high-pressure sand (or other sandblasting material, such as plastic pellets) over the sign (“blasting” it), and when the stencil is removed, it will leave the material that was covered untouched. After that, it will be primed and painted based on your choice. You got your sandblasted sign!

Routed (sandblasted) office sign
Routed (sandblasted) office sign

Routed Signs

Routed signs are replacing the old sandblasting process by carving the material with a CNC router (computer-driven routing machine), where all the unwanted portions of the material are removed from the sign, creating a result similar to the sandblasted sign – except that the background from the removed portions can be perfectly flat (or with a digitally-applied texture) vs. having a “popcorn” feel texture caused by sandblasting. Materials used are the same, except that the designs are sent directly from a computer to the router. After creating the model, the computer outputs the graphics and text into a CNC software. The CNC router than cuts the graphics or text out of the material. Routed signs give an elegant engraved look.
Whether you choose a routed sign or a sandblasted sign is entirely up to personal preference and your signage codes. Both methods are the same cost, and both signs create lovely looking signage. We prefer signs that have been routed, as they can give a more modern and somewhat sleeker look. Which method do you prefer?

Routed/Sandblasted Sign for The Salt Room in Tampa, FL
Routed/Sandblasted Sign for The Salt Room in Tampa, FL

Our customer service is second to none with a very talented design team
Large selection of material options: HDU, PVC, Aluminum, Composites, Wood, Foam Board, Acrylic…
Our team will ensure the final product is installed safely and professionally. Paired with our High Definition large format printer, we can produce one of a kind works of art.
Whether you are looking for a residential entrance sign, directional development custom signs, business park tenant signs, lobby or reception displays, church reader boards or golf course signage, we can provide a solution that will exceed your expectations and leave a lasting impression.

Signs Insight is a full-service custom sign and graphics company. We strive to provide high-end products, and our goal is to deliver the highest quality with the best customer service in town.
We can produce a full range of designs to meet your needs. Our facility is located in the Tampa Bay area, the city of Thonotosassa, FL.
Our facility is comprised of office and production areas, plus we have a flex space where we can accommodate large vehicles for wraps and graphics. We owned state-of-the-art equipment and chose HP Latex technology for producing our printed pieces.
Call us for a free consultation on your custom sign needs: 813-523-3128.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]


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Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your signage needs.

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Monument Signs, Customized in Tampa, FL

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Why do you need a monument sign?

Attracting the attention from the driveway is one of the most important secrets of a business’ success. We often see road signs of McDonald’s when the building is entirely or partially invisible. Potential customers will drive past them if there is no sign.
The thing that attracts many visitors is the monument sign which is a freestanding sign at the entrance of a property or a business. It’s always installed in the ground with a fine plaster, painted or brick/stone finish. Concrete and natural stones are often used for monument signs. There are no hard and fast rules to the orientation of a monument sign; it can be both horizontal or vertical. If you want to make a one for your business, try to choose the size based on the frontage of your business and other factors determined by your county rules.

Monument sign for Timber Trace community
Monument sign for Timber Trace community

Why do you need a monument sign?

Monument sign is considered as the beacon of a business. It attracts drivers and motorist’s, and that’s why we often see businesses place monument signs near the entrance of the parking lot. A monument sign also helps potential customers to change the lane and make it to the parking lot. It is one of the perfect ways to utilize the driveway to earn revenue.
A monument sign is also the marker of your business. Anyone driving along the road can see the sign, and it influences him to visit. It’s like an exterior sign that increases visitors.

Routed community custom sign
Routed community custom sign

Design choices:

Signs Insight always encourages its customers to use their imagination when choosing the design. In the past, a monument sign was merely a combination of brick and mortar. Things have been changed a lot. Customers pick a variety of items such as preformed foam, post, and panel with electric cabinet, metal with acrylic. The goal of a monument sign is always the same. Illumination also a part of monument sign now. You can choose from both built-in LED or external spotlight. Signs Insight always give you the liberty to choose from the shapes and materials. You can use glowing text/graphics or illuminate the whole sign.

Monument Completed
Monument Completed

Features of monument signs:

  1. Monument signs are more cost-effective than a newspaper ads. Visual branding can be achievable through monument signs;
  2. It is also a great way to reach local customers easily. A monument sign becomes the marker of your business or community;
  3. It also helps your customers to find you. Everyone driving along the road will be able to see your brand/business. People become aware of your business’ location.

Design choice is entirely up to you, and you can always take inspiration from our experienced design team. It’s the best way to avoid copying someone else’s design and make a unique look to your business. Signs Insight also investigates the zoning rules to determines the acceptable size. After that, you can choose one from a wide range of materials and finalize the design. Our expert team always work closely with our customers to produce the final product. For any information, please contact us or drop a mail. Our customer service will contact you for further assessment.
At Signs Insight, we are specialized in Custom Signs and Graphics: 813-523-3128[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1596424116740{margin-right: 10% !important;margin-left: 10% !important;}”][vc_column_text]


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Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your signage needs.

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