What are Channel Letters?

Channel Letters are signs normally used on exterior walls of businesses, custom made either from plastic or metal, usually lighted. Almost every building that is a business, organization headquarters or even church will display a variety of channel letters. These tend to be the business or organization’s name and can be created in a variety of ways. If you have a business than you should take into consideration the various channel letters that you can use to put on display outside of your business. Not only can they attract attention to your business but they can make locating your business much more easier and convenient.

Types Of Channel Letters:

1) The Standard Channel Letter-

The most common channel letter signs are of a three dimensional design. Most often they are constructed from aluminum because this material is less likely to rust. The channel letters are designed and cut using a computer controller. The inside of the sign is fitted with a variety of lights including:

Neon gas tubes

LED modules

Light emitting diodes

The front of the channel letter is typically fitted with a sheet of polycarbonate or acrylic fiber, which are translucent to allow the light to shine through. Standard signs can be a business name or even a simple logo.

2) Neon Channel Letter-

These channel letters add an additional dimension to their look because the neon is left exposed but protected by a clear acrylic sheet. These keeps the sign protected but offers a unique display of the custom channel letter.

3) Reverse Lighting Channel Letter-

With these channel letters a light is is used to backlight the channel letter. This in return cause a negative space effect of the channel letter on the wall it is mounted to. Most often this creates a halo effect where the design or letters is displayed with the light illuminated around the actual name or logo.

4) Mounting-

There are a few options to consider regarding how to mount your channel letter. Most often it is placed flush against the building but they can also be attached to a wireway or raceway. These are both mounting structures but have slight differences. A raceway will provide a rectangular structure where the electrical wiring and components will be contained and the channel letter can be mounted on top of the structure. A wireway however, typically is much thinner than a raceway and is used as a backer panel for the channel letter. The wireway can house the electrical wiring as well but is usually too small to mount the channel letter on top of.

Channel letters can be an easy way to build up your brand recognition as well. Channel letters allow customers to make a distinct relation between your sign and your company or business. Retail stores, bars, restaurants, salons, fitness centers and more can all benefits from having a customized channel letter designed for their store front. This simple addition can draw attention to your store or business as well as make it easier to recognize and locate your business.

What are Real Estate Signs?

Real Estate signs are signs used to bring in more clients for you real estate business. Having a real estate sign for your real estate business can be a huge benefit whether you are just starting or have been an agent for years, and are an effective way to get your name out there quicker. There are a variety of signs that you can easily incorporate into your real estate business that can get you more potential clients and get your name out to a much wider market.

What are some of the types for Real Estate Signs?

Yard Signs-

These are the most basic types of real estate signs. They tend to be easily transportable but can be un-sturdy. They tend to just push into the end of the properties yard with contact information on it. These tend to be favorable among property owners because they leave little trace behind once removed. They tend to have an H- frame design and are optimal for lightweight displays.

Swing Posts-

Swing posts are the most common real estate signs that are seen displayed in yards. They come with a few options from type of material used, aluminum being the most favored since it is the best weather resistant, as well as what is display on the sign. This is one of the most effective ways to get buyers attention and let them know who to contact for more information.

Photo Signs-

An effective way to market yourself as a real estate agent is to use promotional materials that have your picture on it, and this can be done with the real estate signs you use. More people will tend to use an agent that allows them to make a connection between a name and a face. You can have your real estate signs display your contact information as well as a business photo.

Open House Signs-

Having a variety of open house signs handy are greatly beneficial to draw in buyers that are just passing by. Many times people who have yet to search out a real estate agent will have little knowledge of when there are open houses so having a simple sign that can catch people’s attention as they drive by is a rewarding tool. Open house signs can often be displayed in various location around the property up for sale, which only increase the possibilities of get more people to come look at the home.

Brochure Boxes-

This is more of an addition to your real estate sign but well worth the mention and your consideration. Brochure boxes can be easily attached to a variety of real estate signs that offer a protected case, usually cylinder tube, for brochures to be placed that allows interested buyers or renters to take the brochure to learn more about what is being offered.

Feather Flags

Feather flags are the most favored form of sign when it comes to rentals or ‘coming soon’ housing options. They tend to be made from a polyester material with a vertical message displayed on it.

From for sale signs, open house signs to just displaying your contact information a real estate sign can help you increase your potential customer list. There are a variety to choose from, which ensure that you get the best type of sign to reflect you and bring in the clients you want.

What are Windows Signs?

Windows signs are graphics used on stores and businesses, and can be placed for promotional deals, a decorative touch or to provide valuable information to your customers. There are a number of things to consider when design a window sign and each can have various affects on your business.

Choosing The Best Window Sign For Your Business:

The first thing you should do prior to coming up with a catchy design for your window sign is to double check with the zoning regulations in your area. Even if some business have large window displays and signs you will want to ensure that your business falls in the same zone. It is better to be safe than spending all the money and not being able to use the sign for your storefront.

The next thing you will want to do, especially if you are a new business owner is to see how the businesses around you are using their window signs. This can give you a better idea of what direction you will want to go in with your window signs. Drive and walk past some of the local signs, which will give you a better idea of how well these signs read will in a moving vehicle or on foot.

Decide on the size you want. Depending on your location you will want to take into consideration how far away you want your window sign to be readable from.

You will also want to take into consideration how the sign will appear at night. If your business will be open past the sun setting then will your sign be noticeable in the evening light?

Keep your window sign simple. The more information you try to clutter your sign with the less effective it will be. A well designed and clean looking sign will grab more people attentions than a chaotic, confusing sign will.

Window Sign Options:

Opaque window signs can be used to display your business hours, name, logo, business tag line and more. They are best to use for smaller display signs since they do cover the are entirely without letting any light in. These window signs tend to be printed on vinyl adhesive which is great for indoor or outdoor use. They have a lifespan of at least five years with proper care.

Clear window signs allow you to cover a large area of the window and still allow a majority of the light through. You can easily customize your design and only the design part is visible the rest of the sign is clear.

One option you may want to consider depending on the type of business you are providing is a perforated window sign. These signs are customized decals that will allow you to see out but not allow passer by to look in through the windows.

Frosted window signs can give you the best of both world where you can keep your business private but still allow the sunlight to shine through.

Choosing the right window sign for your business can easily attract more customers. It can be an effective way to get your business noticed in a simply and subtle way.

What are vehicle wraps?

Vehicle wraps are custom graphics designed to be used as a decorative feature for you vehicle or as a way to promote or advertise a business or product. Vehicle wraps can cover the entire vehicle or on a portion of it, they are typically a constructed vinyl graphic or computerized decal. If you have every seen an advertisement on the side of someone’s car or noticed the graphics on your favorite food truck then you have seen a vehicle wrap. This is a highly effective way to boost your target audience since, in essence, you have a mobile billboard promoting your business.

Why Use Vehicle Wraps?

Vehicle wraps are a unique and effective way to brand your company. Just think about the delivery trucks you see with logos on them. A vehicle wrap can easily allow your company to become a recognizable entity.

Vehicles wraps can quickly grab onlookers attentions and they make a lasting impression in many cases. This type of advertising can be bold and vibrant. As long as it is not too distracting to other drivers you can create a unique design that will draw people’s attention and make a positive impression.

Displaying your company of products on vehicles allows more people to be reached. As long as the car is driving you are in turn drawing in more customers. This method of advertising can easily bring in thousands of more customer because it is in motion. Your advertisement can go to where the people are instead of being stationary as advertisements on billboards are.

The Disadvantages of Vehicle Wraps:

Though they can be highly beneficial as a promotional or marketing tool there are a few setbacks to using vehicle wraps for your business.

You will have to be cautious about who is driving the vehicles that you are promoting on. You do not want to be promoting your business or product on a car that is driven by an individual who often is reckless, under the influence or even has a bit of road rage. The behaviors and actions of the driver can be quickly attached to your company or products in a negative light.

Many times vehicle wraps are poorly designed which often leads to confusion or undecipherable information. When viewers can not quickly know what or who the advertisement is about the less effective it is.

One thing you will want to keep in mind is that not all areas allow for this type of advertising. You will want to check with your state and city laws on the use of mobile advertising. In major cities such as NYC this type of advertising is prohibited so you should double check prior to putting up the money for it.

Vehicle wraps are an effective way to not only reach a wider audience but to make a solid brand for your company. Whether you want to paint an entire vehicle with a specially designed ad or want to place a few eye catching decals on the vehicle this form of advertising and promoting is an easy and effective way to get your company noticed.

What are ADA Signs?

ADA Signs are signs that are designed to help individuals with certain hearing, visual or mobility disabilities. In most cases all architectural signs must adhere to the Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. These signs typically are those that are displayed to signify a permanent room or a space within a facility. These signs are commonly found around entrances or exits and can include those that give directions to areas in a facility or gives information about the facility. Signs that are only temporary, are advertisements or displays the companies logos or names do not have to follow the guidelines set in place by the Americans With Disabilities Act.

Guidelines For ADA Signs:

There are a number of rules that must be followed when displaying ADA signs. Font size, colors and even where ADA signs are displayed are all little details that need special attention and consideration. The following guidelines are some examples of these requirements:

1) ADA signs should not be displayed on reflective or glare backgrounds. The characters and background of ADA signs should all be of a non-glare material because the glare can be troublesome for those with visual impairments and the elderly. The only signs that are exempt from this rule are those that are found in parking lots or for traffic signs.

2) All signs must exhibit a high contrast between the characters or lettering and the background. The characters need to be light with a much darker background or the letters need to be dark and placed on a much lighter background. This is so individuals can easily distinguish between the background and the characters or letters.

3) Fonts or typefaces must be easy to read. This guideline is different for certain signs such as those located outside of identifiable rooms and those that give direction or other information about the facility. The specific size will depend on how far the sign is off the ground and what the exact purpose of the sign is.

4) The size of the fonts and typeface are typically required to be between bold and regular strokes. The size of the typefaces is determined from the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, which will take into consideration a number of variables to determine appropriate size for each specific sign.

5) Signs need to be positioned next to doors that they identify. Most often there will be two separate ADA signs that will help assist those with visual impairments and those that are can be read easily by those without visual impairments. Each signs has specific design guidelines and those with a pictogram must be accompanied with tactile characters with Braille characteristics as well.

If you are planning on displaying any ADA signs in your business or facility that you will want to ensure that you are in compliance with all the proper guidelines. ADA Signs are a requirement for some business and having them is simply more considerate and convenient for everyone. Using ADA signs ensure that you are not excluding any individuals from using your business services.